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hm, the dashb is unreliable as the cursor direction not corresponding to the dash direction.
like in one room I could move the cursor anywhere but the dash direction would always be to the left

do you have a controller plugged in by any chance?

okay I'm stuck now.
beneath the yellow areas, in the middlebottom there there is a grey room to the left and a red room to the right.
got into the grey room to the left with double jump and dash, grabbed the crystal to the right.
and that's it.
cant get back up in the grey room and there aint any other exit.
or that crystal givers you some ability which wasnt explained?

okaym, dashing through the orbs lengthens the dash duration. but still cant manage to get back up there :-(

have you tried using the reset room option in pause menu (escape)?

well, that just reapwns me to the bottom right exit. and I 'd need to get to the top exit in that room, to get out :-(

can you show me a screenshot?

So what I believe has happened is you ended up in a late game area using abilities in a combination I hadn't thought off. You shouldn't even be in a red room without the ability to rotate the rooms.

I will come up with a solution and patch a fix. Thank you for playing the game and my apologies for the issues.


I have released a new version that adds a warp into the red room that will take you to the exit. These should apply to your save retroactively.

ok, I have tested, appears it is a bug with full screen mode, sorry about that. For now I suggest playing in windowed mode, I will look into patching the problem.